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An ICCEE LCA/LCC tool was developed to ease the LCA approach and to allow the evaluation of environmental and economic impacts across the cold chain with outputs to be used by various stakeholders: investors, food producers or processors, local communities, supply chain partners, and customers, or eventually LCA practitioners.
The Excel tool offers an overview of a specific cold chain environmental performance in terms of global warming potential, cumulative energy demand and water scarcity, identifying hotspots and the contribution of each stage and the most relevant materials or processes. It can also be used to acknowledge and recognize improvement opportunities for a determined actor in the food industry participating in the supply chain of the evaluated product by creating different scenarios. The data available for the user to create a model range from transport vehicles, distances, fuels to storage and waste scenario activities.
The output data can be used for academic purposes, for a project evaluation or sustainability analysis.
The Life Cycle Assessment methodology proposed by ISO 10040 and 14044 is simplified in this tool so that the users can create their own product system, changing boundaries to evaluate from a cradle-to-grave to a gate-to-gate system including processes taking place upstream and downstream from a single actor stage. Finally, the tool gives the user the possibility of assessing up to 3 different energy efficiency measures in a comparative approach with a baseline scenario. The tool delivers output data in different ways, for different purposes. From simplified charts, to result tables displaying raw data results per each stage and graphs for hotspots detection.
This short report presents the tool, not yet available digitally to all, but used during the trainings and/or while accompanying SMEs during audits led by the project partners.
The report presents the tool specificities and characteristics, output indicators, data collection procedures and data processing.