Report on the evolution of financing practices for energy efficiency in buildings, SMEs and in industry
Energy efficiency investments must more than double to achieve the EU’s new climate and energy targets. This EEFIG report takes a deep dive into the status and identifies necessary actions to scale up energy efficiency investments in buildings, SMEs and industry.
Going green - Who is investing in energy efficiency, and why it matters
Investments in energy efficiency improvements are vital to ensure Europe’s future as a sustainable, yet prosperous economy. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, however, there is a great risk of losing sight of the benefits of energy efficiency investments by European firms. The EIB Investment Survey (EIBIS) provides a unique source of data that highlights how more investment in energy efficiency is needed
UK SMEs ‘overwhelmed’ with tackling climate change
A new report reveals that 91% of small businesses feel this way – not knowing where to start on their carbon journey. More than 500 British SME owners were quizzed on their thoughts around sustainable action, with 83% feeling the government should do more to educate them on how to cut emissions and achieve net zero.
Article - Feeding the world, preserving the planet, on EEIP
Do you know the environmental impact of the sandwich you had for lunch? Food production requires about 30 percent of the world’s total energy consumption and is still highly reliant on fossil fuels. In addition, industrial energy use is responsible for over 70% of global CO2 emissions. That sandwich has a high energy tag. To make eating that sandwich more environmentally friendly and secure a more sustainable future an EU-funded project called INNOVEAS proposes using energy audits to improve the energy efficiency of the industrial processes involved in producing your lunch.
Supporting small, medium-sized and large enterprises in the race to net zero
The European Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy (CCCE) launched in 2022 its first call for technical assistance in five focus countries: Croatia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. Potential beneficiaries include SMEs, groups of SMEs and companies, authorities (national, regional or local) and other enablers (associations and networks, energy service companies, etc.) in these focus countries. Successful applicants received direct and tailored support – which can include technical, financing, legal and other aspects – from the CCCE on their energy and climate transition from September 2022 to January 2023. Recording now available to learn more! |