Join us! ICCEE final conference – Towards more energy efficient companies – focus on various industry sectors -June 28, 2022

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28 Jun 09:00:00 to 12:30:00 Comet

Towards more energy efficient companies – focus on various industry sectors June 28, 2022 – Brussels + livestream / recording ICCEE aimed at bridging inefficiencies in the cold supply chain stages, increasing the energy efficiency and the energy culture of food and beverage manufacturing industries, warehouses, cold storage and logistic operators. The project enhanced the awareness on energy efficiency and sustainable supply chain initiatives at every organisational level, from top management to operational staff. Led by a group of industry, energy and IT experts -it developed a series of interrelated activities, including a tailor-made tool for cold supply chains and training courses. This event, in 2 parts, will allow participants to discover the ICCEE approach and results, and in a second part, to hear from high-level speakers in 2 panel debates: the first on the factors preventing and facilitating the implementation of energy efficiency measures for companies and supply chains. The second panel discussion will touch upon topics such as the value / supply chains and their potential to act as a leverage for the decarbonisation of companies with a view to 2030 and 2030 targets as well as the recent EU Commission’s proposal for a just and sustainable economy, laying down rules for companies to respect human rights and environment in global value chains.


First part – Increasing cold chain energy efficiency in the food and beverage sector

Including keynote, ICCEE generic presentation, a focus on the energy efficiency measures and multiple benefits, on the ICCEE tools and more

Second part– Engaging and empowering supply / value chains and SMEs towards energy efficiency

Co-organised with the H2020-funded project DEESME, including sessions on improving SMEs sustainability and resilience, and 2 panels:
  • Energy efficiency measures and audits for SMEs: barriers, needs and enabling factors in various sectors
  • What’s next? Building an enabling policy and regulatory framework for supply / value chains and SMEs energy efficiency  - Policy debate, recommendations and Q&A

    #industrialstrategy #Competitiveness #Industry #SMEs #supplychains #energyefficiency

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