The toolbox, a collection of 7 tools supporting the aims of the ICCEE project, includes a set of tools to support:
- Energy flows
- Benchmarking
- Life cycle impacts
It covers various topics related to energy efficiency in the cold supply chain performance, using on default setups for targeted sectors.
Below are available printable offline spreadsheet documents, without macros (one exception).

Tool #0: Guidance
Do you want to know more about solutions and funding for energy-efficient CSCs?
Key features
• Overview and guidance to the toolbox
• Best practice examples for energy-efficient cold supply chains from ICCEE
• Overview of national support programmes concerning energy efficiency
in the cold supply chain
Get an introductory tour to the toolbox by watching below video (subtitles in various languages are available):
Tool #1: Cold supply chain tool (CSC)
Do you want to analyze your CSC’s energy consumption and prevent food quality losses?
Cold supply chain tool: Key features
• Analysis of energy consumption and quality losses along a cold supply chain
• Help to understand trade-offs between time, quality and energy
• Role of particular actors on the entire chain
Tool #2: Life cycle assessment tool (LCA)
Do you want to understand the environmental impact of your CSC?
Life cycle assessment tool: Key features
• Streamlined, yet consistent, exploration of the overall environmental impact of chilled and frozen products
• Coverage of three main indicators along the supply chain Cumulated Energy Demand (CED), Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Water Footprint (AWARE)
Get a tour to the tool in the following video:
Tool #3: Life cycle costing tool (LCC)
Do you wonder about the economic benefit from energy efficiency measures?
Life cycle costing tool: Key features
• Holistic approach for energy efficiency measures in cold chains from economic perspective
• Structured evaluation of the life cycle costs
• Provision of economic performance indicators
Get a tour to the tool in the following video:
Tool #4: Benchmarking non-energy benefits (BEN)
Are you interested in other factors relevant for decision making on CSC energy performance?
Benchmarking non-energy benefits tool: Key features
• Entry point for deeper reflections on the role of energy efficiency and non-energy benefits
• Comparison with peers in cold supply chains using
results from a broader survey on cold supply chains
Get a tour to the tool in the following video:
Tool #5: Non-energy benefit evaluator (NEB)
Do you wonder how to analyze non-energy benefits in a structured manner?
Non-energy benefit evaluator tool: Key features
• Assessment of the strategic value of non-energy benefits of specific energy efficiency measures
• Structured identification of relevant benefits using pre-defined lists along a set of simple steps
Get a tour to the tool in the following video:
Tool #6: Multi-criteria analysis tool (MCDA)
Did you already take a look at the CSC and LCA tools and do you want to know more?
Multi-criteria analysis tool: Key features
• Identification of trade-offs between key performance criteria for the environmental impact in cold supply chains
• Quantitative, yet simple, ranking method for the evaluation of scenarios within cold supply chains
NB: This tool is not available for download , to know more about it, contact us!
Every user of the toolbox can specifically:
● add own data and sector characteristics to the tool,
● carry out benchmarking analyses,
● evaluate the cost-benefit of the energy efficiency measures across the supply chain through the holistic approach,
● prioritize the same measures with the aim to improve the economic and energy performance of the whole supply chain and not of the single company that will implement the measure,
● assess non-energy benefits,
● perform what-if analyses to reduce the uncertainties and risks related to the decisions,
● be informed about existing funding opportunities to improve the feasibility of implementing energy efficiency measures.